Local Development Environment Setup

Use this guide to bootstrap your local development environment.

NOTE: These instructions are written with Ubuntu in mind. Some adjustments may be needed for Mac setup. To begin you should have the following applications installed on your local development system:


Need to update the following instructions for installing node; the chris-lea repo is no longer how we do it.

  1. Install the LESS CSS precompiler and the CoffeeScript JavaScript compiler using npm. First, install nodejs which comes with npm:

    sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nodejs

    Then, use npm to install less and coffee:

    sudo npm install less coffee-script -g

    NOTE: You may already have less, coffee or npm installed. Before running installation commands, use which [program_name] to see if the path to the program’s executable is known.

  2. Clone the repo and check out the develop branch:

    $ git clone git@github.com:rapidpro/tracpro.git
    $ cd tracpro
    $ git checkout develop
  3. Create a virtual environment using Python 2.7 and install the project requirements:

    # Check that you have python2.7 installed
    $ which python2.7
    $ mkvirtualenv tracpro -p `which python2.7`
    (tracpro)$ $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install -r $PWD/requirements/dev.txt
  4. Create a local settings file:

    (tracpro)$ cp tracpro/settings/local.example.py tracpro/settings/local.py

    You may edit this file to make settings changes that are local to your machine. This file is listed in the .gitignore file and should never be checked into GitHub.

  5. This project uses django-dotenv to manage environment variables. Configure the environment variable Django uses to locate the project settings file:

    (tracpro)$ echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tracpro.settings.local" >> .env
  6. Create a Postgres database and run the initial migrate:

    (tracpro)$ createdb -E UTF-8 tracpro
    (tracpro)$ python manage.py migrate
  7. NOTE: TracPro uses Smartmin for permissions-based object scaffolding. If you make changes to a permission in GROUP_PERMISSIONS in tracpro/settings/base.py, you are required to migrate the database in order for that permission to take effect.

    (tracpro)$ python manage.py migrate

  8. Background tasks. To run background tasks, you’ll also need to start celery (in another window):

    (tracpro)$ celery -A tracpro worker -B -l info
  9. Subdomain Setup

    TracPro uses subdomains to determine which organization a user is currently accessing. For example, if you create an organization with the subdomain testing, you should configure that as an alias for localhost. On a UNIX-like system you would edit /etc/hosts as follows:   localhost. testing.localhost
  10. RapidPro Integration

    The default development settings file connects to app.rapidpro.io.To integrate with a different RapidPro instance, either edit this file or create a new settings file.

  11. Create Super User

    If creating a super user, be sure to select a valid password. TracPro enforces an 8 character minimum password.

    (It’s possible to create a password that does not meet that requirement, and then your logins will fail with “invalid password” even if you correctly enter that password.)

  12. Run the development server and navigate to localhost:8000:

    python manage.py runserver